15 thoughts on “Today’s Tiny Tale: Fiftieth Anniversary

  1. Wonderful, Mia! Not only together, but still smitten, throughout the ages..

    Brings to mind my grandparents, whose union lasted 71 years, longer, if you count their “courtship.”

    What skill you have, weaving the language with such precision and style!.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s one thing to encourage someone once in a while and another to keep doing that every single time. I’m really grateful for your support, Keith! 🙂🤗
      71 years or even more! Good Lord! It’s people like them who give people like us (who are yet to find someone) hope about love. God bless them and their story.

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      1. You make it easy, don’t you, Mia? Each post, you make the language sing, and you’re surprised when it generates a response?

        This is how you get me. Every time!

        Every few days, email tells me you have a new post. I think to myself, “OK, this time I ‘m gonna read it, “Like” it (if I do), then I’ll leave.” Never works out that way. By the time I finish reading, my brain is like a snow globe someone just jostled. “No, can’t leave now; need to say some things.”

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I’m reading this on my way to work and have a huge smile on my face. Thank you so much for that! 🙂🤗

        I’m so glad that I “force” you into commenting each time. It really does give me joy.

        I “make the language sing.” Whoa! 😀😀😀

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  2. Hi Mia, thanks so much for stopping by and liking my work. It means a lot to me. I have also enjoyed your writings. I look forward to reading more from you. 🙂
    BTW this post is amazing 😍!

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