The Thrill of Not Knowing

There are two kinds of people amongst the movie-goers. One kind wants to know the main plot beforehand. The other kind would hate to know anything at all. The funny thing about life is that whether we want to or not, nobody knows what is going to happen next. Herein, according to me, lies the [...]

Ego or Self-Respect

"When do you know it is ego and when it is self-respect?" asked a friend. "When you don't regret it later, it is self-respect. Otherwise, ego," replied I. "Great one! I will think over this," she said. While the advice-seeker appreciated the eloquence of the advice, little did she know that it stemmed from the [...]

Butterflies in the Stomach

Do you know that tingly feeling in the stomach, just before you are about to do something really important? The sort that makes you not want to eat much? Even makes your concentrating on anything difficult? Of course, you do! These are the symptoms which are commonly called as butterflies in the stomach. Everyone experiences [...]

Never Ever Again

"Never ever again will I ______ !" Everyone who has ever used this phrase put up your hand. Chances are that each person reading this post will. It could be related to any sphere of our life - relationships, work or even in general. At some point, we have all staunchly resolved to not repeat [...]

A Story’s Expiry Date

They say, nothing lasts forever. Everything comes with an expiration date. So what is the expiration date of a story? When does it stop making any sense? When does it lose its impact? Every story is placed in some context of time, place and the reigning standards. It will be a hundred percent true to [...]