Why Be Kind?

So many options to choose from —
Bravery, intelligence or strength,
Charm, Humour or righteousness.
Then why speak of
The seemingly least of them all?
Why bother with being kind?

So much seen and heard,
If not already,
Then soon will be
Of betrayal, doubt and slyness,
Of incompetence, inequity and injustice.
Why trouble oneself with being kind?

So much is wrong
Waiting to be corrected,
Waiting to be untangled,
Tired of waiting.
Why waste time being kind?

So many reasons being,
Sometimes no reason being
But simple impatience,
Urging us to move on with our lives.
Why stop to be kind?

If to work in our favour,
It is an investment not kindness.
If done knowing it never will,
Then it is kindness.
Why expect nothing to be kind?

Because maybe, not just the world
But the universe is round,
The energies work round,
Kindness comes around.
Why not take a chance being kind?

Because surely, that’s how we’d like
Others to treat us,
Despite themselves, in spite of us.
Now can you think of a reason to
Why NOT be kind?

24 thoughts on “Why Be Kind?

  1. Beautiful progression, Mia. Indeed, you ask an important question, perhaps the most important, and in so doing, you provide a vital reminder.

    Indeed, not only is kindness free, but it has a wonderful ability to replicate itself exponentially. A benefaction, perhaps one as simple as a smile, will brighten someone’s day. Perhaps it will mean more to someone than you ever will know.

    That in turn will encourage others to exercise their kindness, and eventually goodwill will find hearts all over. Ultimately, the world will be 1.724% kinder, all because of your one nicety.

    Yes, it’s important to be gracious, purely as a matter of principle, but there also is something in it for us too. That kindness, once we unveil it, will make its way around the world and will find us again, perhaps just when we most need a pick-me-up.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Keith! ๐Ÿ™‚

      Yes, you are right. We will never know how much someone needs a little kindness. So let’s not try to take any chances. At least, as much as we can. Hoping that someone will do the same for us, when we least expect it. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Andrew! ๐Ÿ™‚

      Yes, there are some first impressions that actually go on to last. What better than kindness? But hey, come to think of it, seeing kindness in people we never thought were capable of it can also change our mind about them. Been there, done that. ๐Ÿ™ƒ

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Most beautiful lines”but universe round,the energies work round,kindness come around,why not take a chance being kind”,i appreciate your all lines of poem because kindness is favour in international peace and and welfare of human races .

    Liked by 1 person

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